Is It Time to Think About New Residential Roofing in Ypsilanti, MI?

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Roofing Contractor

While residential roofs are made to last for a long time, they will eventually need to be replaced. It takes an inspection from a professional to determine if a roof needs some basic repairs or if installing a brand new roof would be in the best interests of the homeowner. Here are two signs that often indicate a new roof is the best choice.

The Current Roof Came With the House

It’s getting close to the end of the mortgage and the roof has never been replaced. Even if the previous owner installed a new roof just before placing the property on the market, there’s a good chance that it’s time to think about new residential roofing in Ypsilanti, MI. Once the contractor finishes with a full inspection, it will be easier to tell if the current roof will last for a few more years or if it needs to be replaced within the next several months.

There Are Signs of Water Damage in the Attic

Mold in the attic indicates leaks. When it seems as if the mold is all along the roof line, there may be quite a few leaks present. There’s also the chance that the leaks have damaged the roof’s integrity in a few different ways. Depending on the outcome of the inspection, the recommendation could be to invest in new residential roofing in Ypsilanti, MI, as quickly as possible.

A sturdy roof does quite a bit to protect the rest of the home. If there’s any indication that the roof is not in top shape, now is the time to seek help from a professional. It won’t take long to determine if a repair will do the job or if a new roof is the only practical solution.

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