What to Know When it comes to Commercial Rental Management in Las Vegas

by | Feb 19, 2013 | Real Estate

When looking for rental management for your office space or warehouse space needs, you want to make sure that you find a company that can best serve you. Just because a management company can handle residential properties, does not mean they are capable of handling commercial spaces. Although there are a lot of companies out there, do they have the resources to find businesses to rent the spaces? Are they able to give you important information regarding your investment properties? These are vital questions when it comes to your commercial property.

Commercial property is much different from residential property. A commercial property often requires a rental management company to handle the details. There are many nuances that the average person may not be aware of when it comes to commercial properties.

Job of the Property Manager

The job of the property manager is to be the liaison for all parties involved. This means the property manager is facilitating all communication between you and the tenants. This person is going to be responsible for collecting the rent payments, handling slow paying tenants and maintenance of the property, hiring of personnel, leasing spaces, and handling all accounting. As the property owner, you should not be responsible for handling the day to day operations of your commercial property.

Identify a Good Property Manager From a Bad One

Each property management company is different. You want a company that is going to take care of you and your investment. A good property manager can get slow paying renters to pay their rent without making you deal with the issue. Before agreeing to work with a company, know how they will handle a variety of different issues that will arise.

The property should be fully occupied and vacancies filled in a timely manner. This is the key to you making money on your investment. A company that handles your commercial property will need access to many businesses that will fill your spaces and make the transition between tenants smooth.


Communication quality is going to be the difference between success and failure with your business. It is vital that a property manager lets you know what is going on with your property. Communication needs to be easy and timely so you are aware of issues, updated on finances, and have a pulse on what is going on with your property.

Good reporting and record keeping are going to make this easier. Know what types of programs your rental company uses to provide you with all the information you need on your investment. You should be getting a monthly report to have a regular update on the progress of your return.

Real Property Management is the number one rental management company in the United States. Inc. Magazine listed RPM as one of the fastest growing companies in North America. When looking for rental management in Las Vegas, turn to Real Property Management and see your needs met for your commercial property.

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