What Can Patients Expect from Rosacea Therapy in Bonita Springs, FL?

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Skin Treatment

Patients who live in the Bonita Springs area can expect medical-grade skincare treatments for rosacea and other skin conditions. Many of the products are made by Aesthetic Science, and they are made to be used with an ultrasonic machine called EpiWave.

What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common and chronic condition characterized by reddening and inflammation of the skin. It is more common in women than in men, and it is particularly likely to affect people with fair skin.

The best-known symptom of rosacea is persistent redness of the face. Rosacea can also cause acne-like breakouts, and it can make the skin thick and bumpy, especially in men.

What Is EpiWave?

EpiWave is a technology that uses ultrasound to exfoliate the skin and thus remove dead skin cells from the topmost layer. The technology also temporarily creates microscopic pathways through the skin’s layers that allow the serums made by Aesthetic Science to reach the deeper layers of the skin. EpiWave can also stimulate the blood vessels in the skin to bring more oxygen to it and promote healing.

What Other Skin Treatments Are There?

In addition to rosacea therapy in Bonita Springs, FL, the dentist can use medical-grade skincare products to treat conditions like acne. They can also provide mini-facials and skin rejuvenation treatments. The dentist also offers Botox and dermal filler injections.

Contact Business Name or visit their website to learn more about rosacea therapy in Bonita Springs, FL.

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