Understanding Panchakarma

by | Sep 30, 2021 | CBD Products

Panchakarma is one of the most unique and distinctive aspects of Ayurveda. It is a highly complex method of Purification and Rejuvenation therapy that has been perfected over the years as a way to treat illnesses and attain longevity.

The inclusion of both the Purification and Rejuvenation phases is crucial. We often alternate between the two in our quest for health, but their proper timing and integration are critical.

The Panchakarma Process

Diet and daily routine are specifically customized during Panchakarma to ensure that digestion (Agni) is maintained and that the body and mind are not shocked or disturbed. The herbal medications and treatments are custom-made for each person, and the therapy is generally done as a real-time program for two to three weeks.

To strengthen Agni, one eats light grain soups and simple meals. Herbal remedies are taken combined with enough rest to ensure the creation of healthy tissues and a return to full power.

Benefits to Panchakarma

In addition to the physical advantages of Panchakarma, one of the most important is the development of an internal environment that helps the mind to transition from a state of uncertainty and division to one of clarity, calmness, and wholeness. Only in this condition can we address our goal for pleasure in a constructive and long-term manner.

Panchakarma is beneficial for supporting the treatment of chronic conditions, rejuvenation, and longevity and is advised as the greatest method to prepare oneself before considering having children. It’s a “health vacation” unlike any other, one that caters to our desire to be loved, supported, and cared for while also purifying and rejuvenating the body and mind thoroughly and accurately.

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