Repair Mild to Moderate Dental Malocclusions

by | Apr 5, 2019 | Dentistry

When you have wide spaces between your teeth, you don’t always need to wear braces to repair the dental malocclusions. An Invisalign Lincoln Park, Il, dentist can examine your teeth to determine if you have mild to moderate dental misalignments of your teeth. With the information from your X-rays and molds of your mouth, a computer software program can analyze your dental issues to create clear plastic aligners. Depending on the severity of your malocclusions, you might need to wear removable aligners for one year or longer.

You Must Wear the Aligners as Much as Possible

An Invisalign Lincoln Park dentist will provide the information necessary for you to have a good outcome from the treatment with the aligners. You should wear plastic aligners as much as possible, but you can remove the devices while you drink beverages or chew food. At least twice a day, you should remove the aligners to rinse the items, and you will also brush your teeth to remove food debris. Don’t forget to floss your teeth before you go to bed at night. Caring for your aligners in the correct way will protect the devices from damage, but you will switch to a new set of aligners every two weeks.

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While undergoing treatment with aligners, you must consume a nutritious diet to keep your alveolar bones and gums in the best condition. There are great benefits from treatment with plastic aligners, including having an attractive smile without brackets and wires. The plastic of the aligners won’t make strange marks on your teeth, and you likely won’t have any problems with sores on your tongue. To learn more about aligners, contact our Invisalign Lincoln Park dentist at Chicago Smile Design located at our website at

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