Don’t Suffer from TMJ Pain in Seattle – Get the Help you Need

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Dentistry

Temporomandibular joint disorder, more commonly referred to as TMJ, is a dental condition that comes along with a significant amount of pain. For this reason, many people who suffer from this condition simply write it off as just jaw pain and neglect it. However, TMJ in Seattle is much more than just this. 

What Exactly is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint is considered a hinge joint that attaches the temporal bone of your skull to the jaw bone. Since this joint area is flexible, it is responsible for allowing an individual to chew, talk and even yawn. In the most simplest of terms, the best way to describe TMJ would be that it is a condition that impacts the muscles and joints that surround the jaw, which causes them to have restricted or painful movement.

What are the Symptoms?

As one would assume, the most profound symptom of TMJ disorder is pain in the jaw area. In many instances the pain can be so significant that some people find it difficult to perform many of life’s normal functions, including chewing and talking. In some more severe cases, it is also not uncommon for an individual to suffer from jaw locking. Once the jaw is locked it can make it very difficult for an individual to even open their mouth. 

How is the Condition Diagnosed?

In most cases, the diagnosis of TMJ in Seattle is initiated by a physical examination from a dental provider who specializes in TMJ disorders. While there are a variety of different methods used, most of them always begin with a dental exam that is followed by a bite test. Should the results of the exam and test be alarming, the dental provider will then likely order a set of X-rays images.

This is important because there are a number of other conditions that can actually lead to jaw discomfort, including nerve damage or an infection. By completing the X-ray the provider can help to rule out these other possibilities, before concluding that the individual does in fact have TMJ.

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