Whether you are shopping for women’s clothing in Ann Arbor, MI or something else, there is just something fun and satisfying about getting a bargain on what you are looking for in a thrift shop. Here’s a look at the characteristics of a truly wonderful thrift thrift shop.
The Best Thrift Shops
To start with, the absolute best thrift shops are run to benefit a charitable cause. At a thrift shop where the proceeds benefit the needy, the staff are more likely to be emotionally invested in what they are doing, and they will go the extra mile for their customers. Also, you get the good feeling that comes from helping others along with getting good deals.
Next, it’s all about the inventory. Part of the fun of thrift shopping is that you know could find anything from the perfect antique clock to the latest electronic equipment. Only shop at a thrift store that has acres and acres of inventory!
Look for a thrift shop that has been around for a while. The best thrift shops all have some history and a strong connection with the communities they serve; they aren’t fly-by-night operations. Look for a store that started out as a group of people putting on annual garage sales or rummage sales long ago and turned into a brick-and-mortar operation that sells almost everything.
Don’t shop for women’s clothing in Ann Arbor, MI at just any thrift shop! To learn about a shop with an awesome atmosphere and an endless inventory, check out Kiwanis Thrift Sale at www.kiwanissale.com