Reasons to See an Eye Doctor in Colorado Springs CO

by | Jul 27, 2015 | Eye care

An Eye Doctor in Colorado Springs CO is a health professional whose primary care enables him or her to perform tests of visual function, analyzing the data of visual responses found in the tests, and planning the best treatment to relieve symptoms that can cause visual disorders, oculomotor imbalances, changes in visual perception that may be related to poor school or work performance, as well as increasing the minimum levels of functionality of the visual system through the use of glasses, contact lenses and vision therapy. In order for patients to understand the functions of an optometrist, they need to know how the process of vision works, the functions of the visual system, what visual problems are due to dysfunction, and the treatment produced by said therapies.

Your vision is a very complex process of information used to interpret what people see through the eyes, to balance them with gravity, to work hands, feet and the body, in general, to relate to the environment and to gain bearings. All this works via a system consisting of:

* Peripheral organs (eyes) that receive light stimuli from objects and form an optical image on the retina of each eye,

* Muscles controlling the coordinated movements of both eyes is processed (extraocular muscles),

* Muscles that control the sharp focus on what is seen (intraocular muscles),

* Sensory nerves that protect the eyes receive and send light stimuli to the visual areas at the back of the brain (lobe occipital),

* Motor nerves that control the extraocular muscles and eyelids,

* Responsible for the nutrition of the eye blood vessels,

* Neurons that transmit stimuli through nerves and visual pathways in the brain to the visual areas, and

* Neurons that receive information from stimuli to integrate the system compared with past experience and interpret what people see through the eyes (obtaining the meaning of what is seen).

Your local eye doctor in Colorado Springs CO area may tell you that when you look at an object and identify it beforehand, that is, before you know it is a rabbit, an apple, a bird, a chair, etc., there are several motor and sensory processes at work. The stimulus is directed at the eye centers located in the midbrain and bridge. From here the momentum continues to spread to the oculomotor nuclei and by the oculomotor nerve reaches the extraocular muscles, rotating both eyes towards the object of interest.

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