Radiologists in Orlando Bring in Fresh Alternatives to Ionizing Waves

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Uncategorized

A group of radiologists in Orlando have recently offered a series of alternatives to those who might otherwise undergo medical imaging procedures that make use of ionizing radiation. While machines that make use of x-rays are normally the most accurate when it comes to taking images of a patient, they rely on electromagnetic wavelengths that can be as short as 10 mµ. These can potentially cause damage to certain types of tissue in many patients, which is why so many radiological experts have sought out alternatives.

Perhaps one of the biggest fields of research has been in traditional magnetic resonance imaging, which doesn’t normally rely on the use of any sort of ionizing radiation. As a result, it can be used in many patients that wouldn’t otherwise be able to undergo a tomographic imagining procedure. While it’s application is contraindicated in situations involving those who have embedded medical devices, MRI machines have long constituted a major alternative for radiologists in Orlando who would prefer to avoid classical x-ray fluoroscopes.

Unfortunately, the field of MRI research has had something of an uphill battle when it comes to the court of public opinion. This is because MRI tubes were once installed inside of hospital walls, which made them extremely uncomfortable for many patients. In some situations, they could also be quite loud. New developments have made them almost completely open, which ensures that even those who wouldn’t be able to tolerate such an environment shouldn’t run into any major issues.

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