How Physical Therapy Helps with Joint Pain Relief in Lafayette

by | Nov 10, 2021 | Physical Therapy

Most people don’t realize how big a role their joints play in their everyday lives until they start experiencing joint pain. You probably won’t be surprised to learn that the leading cause of joint pain is related to arthritis. However, you might not know that physical therapy can help provide joint pain relief in Lafayette.

Improve Range of Motion

One of the main goals at places such as Metropolitan Physical Therapy is to help improve your range of motion. When you are working with a certified physical therapist, they will create a treatment plan to increase your range of motion. This helps with joint pain because the better your range of motion, the better your joints function.

Target the Source of the Pain

Physical therapy helps with joint pain relief in Lafayette because it targets the source of the pain. Your therapist works with you to help determine what triggers the pain. Once they find out what activities are causing the worst pain, they can work with you to help you make any adjustments necessary to help alleviate the pain.

Improves Muscle Strength

Joint pain is made worse by the added stress of weaker muscles supporting the joints. The weak muscles often cause pain with everyday movements.

Throughout your treatment, your physical therapist will create a plan designed to improve the strength of the surrounding muscles to better support your joints. These treatment plans will also include hot and cold therapy, along with massage and other pain management treatments.

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