Get The Best Training At Dog Boot Camp in Chicago

by | Jul 10, 2013 | Pets and Pet Care

The latest thing in the pet world is doggie boot camp. These boot camps are designed for you to send the dog away for a couple of weeks. They’ll take part in an intensive two- week training course. The training is aimed to give dogs and owners a more fulfilled life. The trainers promise to get your dog in shape, and teach you how to maintain their new habits. They’ll customize training for any particular habits your dog may have, and to meet specific goals that you have.

Trainers at Dog Boot Camp Chicago say dogs have many problems because they’re frustrated. They’re under-exercised– frustration shows up in the form of aggression, anxiety, destructiveness and excessive barking. They believe we don’t exercise our dogs enough, because the dogs are not properly trained. If we let them off their leash, we’re afraid they’ll run away.

Doggie Boot Camp focuses on the dog’s weaknesses and trying to correct them. Dogs, like children, have to have consequences for their actions. The dog dictates the consequences by his behavior. Sometimes a stern no will work, and sometimes the dog has to have correction. The stronger you are, the stronger your dog will be. Dog Boot Camp Chicago says their trainers act like leaders, so the dogs will follow them. The trainers say dogs want to be lead, and they take cues from their owners. Owners have to build trust by making their dogs feel safe.

During the first week, no visits are allowed as the trainers try to earn your dog’s trust, and they don’t want any distractions. In the second week, owners are encouraged to stop by so the trainers can teach you the correct way to handle your dogs. Aggressive dogs have to be evaluated before training. If accepted, the price will increase for aggressive dogs.

Private training is also available. The whole family can participate in obedience training. Trainers will also come to your home for the ultimate in private training. A well-trained dog may save your life one day. And, the training may save the dog’s life. Running into traffic is dangerous. When you say stop, you want the dog to stop. For more info visit

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