You’ve been clear that the action was unwelcome and made you uncomfortable. That was followed by filing a complaint with Human Resources. Nothing has changed. Now is the time to engage the services of a San Francisco sexual harassment lawyer. If you’re hesitating to take this step, here are some reasons to proceed.
Your legal counsel can review what has occurred so far and determine if those actions are considered sexual harassment according to current laws. This is important because there must be a legal basis for taking any further action. Once your lawyer has all the facts, it will be easier to decide what to do next.
You already know that going through proper channels did not accomplish anything. The fact is that it’s not unusual for Human Resources personnel to be primarily focused on protecting the employer. Protections for employees only come into the picture if they serve the employer well. By contrast, your lawyer will be firmly in your corner.
Last, you don’t have any idea how to build a case for sexual harassment. Your lawyer knows exactly how to structure the case, make the proper filings, and in general, ensure everything complies with current laws.
Don’t feel as if you have to put up with unwelcome incidents in the workplace. Hire a San Francisco sexual harassment lawyer who can evaluate the situation and provide advice. The outcome may be better than you ever dreamed possible.
For more information, please contact Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. today.