When considering abrasive blasting supplies and what you should use on a particular surface, there are four main factors you need to consider. Learn about these factors below.
The size of the abrasive blasting supplies you are using is key because larger particles of a substance will make deeper impressions into the surface you are striking than smaller particles of the same substance. The best strategy is usually using the least amount of particles needed to make the indentation.
The shape of the abrasive blasting supplies is also key because how deeply the material cuts into the surface you are blasting depends upon the shape of the material you are using. There are four main types of shapes: round, rounded, sub-angular, and angular. Materials with jagged angles can remove rust more quickly and have a higher cleaning rate, while materials with rounded edges create a more spherical, uniform, and dimpled profile.
The hardness of the materials is important because, the harder the material, the deeper the profile into the surface you are blasting. Harder materials will polish metal surfaces and remove rust, while softer materials will produce a finer polish and can remove light coatings and grease from surfaces without pitting or marring them.
The denser the particle used, the deeper the profile that is made and the larger the impact over a smaller surface area. In addition, denser medium deforms less from the impact, which results in less energy absorbed.