5 Steps to Take After Construction Accidents in Ottawa County

by | Mar 15, 2019 | Lawyers

Thousands of workplace injuries and fatalities occur each year, with many of them happening in the construction industry. Most Construction Accidents in Ottawa County fall into one of four categories: falls, object strikes, crushes, and electrocution. However, injuries occur in many other ways, and it’s important for employees to know what to do if they’re injured on the job.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

After a construction site accident, an injured worker should prioritize their well-being. If the injury is serious, call for emergency assistance; if it’s minor, seek care anyway. Sometimes, symptoms don’t appear for hours or days after an event, and it’s important for injured workers to receive an immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Notify the Employer Immediately

It’s recommended that the injured worker tell their employer about the incident as quickly as possible. Many people who are hurt on the job are eligible for workers’ compensation payments, but they may lose that eligibility if they don’t notify their employer within 30 days. Report the injury immediately, just to be safe.

Document the Scene of the Accident

It’s in the worker’s best interest to document the accident scene. Use a camera phone to take photos of heavy machinery and equipment that may have contributed to the accident, and take pictures of other potential hazards and visible injuries. If there were witnesses, get their contact information, as an injury layer may need to interview them.

Document the Recovery Process

Anyone suffering an injury in a construction accident should make notes on their recovery. Make copies of medical records and receipts for prescriptions, and keep them until the case is resolved. Finally, keep a journal that outlines the injury’s effects on daily life.

Call a Lawyer for Help, Advocacy, and Advice

The next thing to do is to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer. It’s crucial to look for a lawyer with experience representing those who have been injured in Construction Accidents in Ottawa County. Visit the website for more details or call the Bleakley Law Offices P C to request a consultation with an experienced local personal injury attorney.

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